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Ease of use

Archive Server for MDaemon can be downloaded and installed in less than 15 minutes. After installing it on your server, it is immediately ready to use:

  • You don’t need to install or configure software for the network users;
  • Users don’t have to do anything different at all;
  • The users search directly through the browser;
  • Archiving email is automatic.


Archive Server for MDaemon’s main function is making searches in emails. Archive Server for MDaemon’s main function is making searches in emails. You can search the email archive by key words, dates, senders, recipients, body text and subject of the email or any combination thereof. You can also decide if you want to search through messages flagged as spam or infected with viruses, and if you want to include messages with attachments in your search. The search can even be made on emails that have been deleted from your own computer.

Export emails

After doing a search you can create an Excel spreadsheet “on the fly” with the same information shown in your search results. You can also extract a set of messages from Archive Server for MDaemon based on search results and automatically generate a search application that can then be burned to an optical disk (CD or DVD). This new feature makes it possible, for example, to save disk space by moving a portion of your ASM archive to another location. As part of the export process, you can decide whether you want to keep the messages being exported or eliminate them from the ASM repository after they have been exported. You can incorporate messages from multiple searches into a single export. You can also export and delete all the messages related to a single mailbox (using date filter if needed) with a couple of click.


The system is completely administrated through the browser. The administrator’s access credentials for logging on to Archive Server for Email are provided during installation. The System Administrator has control over all the settings in Archive Server for Email, as well as control over individual user rights and settings. By default however, the System Administrator cannot access other users’ email. This fully respects current privacy regulations. Configuration parameters for Archive Server for Email give the administrator a high degree of personalization and discrimination in granting user rights. A Domain Administrator can be appointed for each domain (one of the users of the domain itself). This administrator can handle the configurations on that specific domain. Even if all email messages are automatically archived by default, not-archive rules let Archive Server for Email administrator define which messages must not be filed by Archive Server for Email. In the webadmin GUI you can suspend or stop already scheduled jobs (archive, import/export jobs). This can be useful when a job is mistakenly scheduled or when a job seems to overload the server. The admin home page shows the status of the job in progress.

User rights

Archive Server for Email lets you grant differing rights to different system users, for efficient use of email archives. When you decide to archive a domain, the emails are archived with the same settings for all domain users. You can decide whether messages should or shouldn’t be archived for each user. You can even decide whether or not a specific user should have access to the system. You can also grant a user the right to search one or more domains handled by the Email server and the right to search other users’ messages.

Privacy & Security

Archive Server for Email is especially attentive to privacy issues and safeguarding personal data. This is why by default, each user can make searches exclusively on his or her own email. Furthermore, users are not required to use a new username and password to log in to their own email archive. They just type in the same credentials they already use for logging in to their own mailbox. In order to honor user privacy ASE administrator can now delete all the messages received from or sent to a particular email address or domain. On the security side, Archive Server for Email can reject “session hijacking” attacks, so ASM prevents a hacker to take control and manipulate a user’s session.


Auditing is the procedure that aims to safeguard the users’ privacy. Since Archive Server for Email lets the administrator grant users to right to search the messages of other users, you can enable a notification mechanism so that the users know which messages have been seen, by whom, and based on which searches. If you want to optimize disk space, you can ask the System Administrator to delete the audit logs after a certain number of days.


Archive Server for Email draws up statistics on email use on the server level, on the domain level, and on the user level. Statistics can include: number of emails sent and received, the most frequent words, the most active users, and the load on the server. Based on each user’s rights, you can display only the data concerning your own email box, the activity in your domain, or activity at the email server.


Sender, recipient, subject, date and all the words of the email messages are stored in a database. In order to help database administration a database monitoring tool alerts the system administrator when the database size reach a user defined limit. Is possible to install a new instance of ASE and connect to an existing database (assuming the same version is being installed). This makes the migration and recovery process of an installation easier.


Archive Server for MDaemon starts archiving email messages just at the end of the installation. How is it possible to get all the email stored in the workstation archived as well? The tool ASM Email Uploader is integrated in Archive Server for MDaemon and lets user import email messages direcly from the client, using Outlook or Outlook Express. ASM can also import messages directly from MDaemon IMAP folders.

Spam and virus

You can ask Archive Server for MDaemon to archive emails flagged as infected by viruses as well as those flagged as spam, so that you can check them later. Archiving email flagged as spam is an excellent tool for protection against undesired messages. You can even set up your own MDaemon server so that messages flagged as spam are not sent directly to the users. Instead, they are archived in Archive Server for MDaemon where they are available to each user who can independently decide which emails are false positives and find any mistakes there may be in the antispam filters. Spam can be automatically deleted from the system after certain number of days, so that each user does not have to delete the spam messages manually


Exclusion lists

Archive Server for MDaemon checks all the words found in the subject and body of email messages and archives them in a database where it indexes them so you can search by key word. Other words such as articles (e.g. that, a, the, etc.) are not useful when searching through emails. If you are looking for an email invitation to lunch it makes no difference if the email contains the expression “an invitation to lunch” or “that invitation to lunch”. The significant words are “invitation” and “lunch”. So, insignificant words can be excluded from the database by customizing the exclusion lists of words to skip which are already built-in. This way, the database is optimized and the performance of the search system is enhanced.

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